

Not yet active

This tab gives the latest status of the various projects that we are still working on over time.  Hopefully, it keeps us grounded and organized, so outstanding issues don't fall through the cracks.  New projects will be added to the top of the list, older ones will move down to make room.  When SFPFC feels that the project is completed to our satisfaction, it will be marked as "Completed".

No doubt, we will eventually create or find a dead horse that won't get up and run anymore.  In this case, it would be a waste of limited resources to try and revive the dead horse; the best we can do is bury it.  In this case, we will note whywe are abandoning the project, the party we feel who was responsible for causing or contributing to the abandonment, and the date of abandonment.

SFPFC Projects

Project Title

Start Date: 
Current Status: Underway
Status Updates:


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On-topic comments, where you behave yourself and play nicely, will remain posted; whether they are pro or con. Everybody needs to fully understand all points of view so that we can find a solution that encompasses everybody's concerns. Give it your best shot.

If you decide to post, your posting becomes part of the public record, and SFPFC has full rights to use it (or not) in any reasonable manner or medium that suits our purposes.

Before posting, please proofread, and correct as necessary. If you subsequently discover a need to fix your previous posting, make an additional posting that refers to the original posting, then set the record straight.